Personal Info

    Buyer Preference
    Will you buy sight unseen?

    Interested in adding sq ft or ADU?

    Do you have proof of funds?

    Do you list your own flips??

    Number of deals you did last year?

    How soon can you close?
    1 week1-2 weeks2-3 weeksMore than 3 weeks

    What's your exit strategy?
    Fix & FlipRental PropertyBRRRRHouse to live inOther

    What's your ideal price range?
    Under $100k$100k - $200kOver $300k

    What kind of properties are you interested in?
    Single Family House2-4 unitsCondosLarge MultifamilyOther

    Number of deals are you're aiming for this year?

    How will you finance your property?
    CashHard Money LoanIRAConventional FinancingOther